In July 2006, a very successful conference took place in Ierapetra, Crete, on the quality and marketing of fresh horticultural products. The need for this conference, resulted both from the adverse developments in the international trade arena and the urgent requirement of consumers around the world, for optimum quality products. This conference, leaded to the establishment of a reputation management organization not only for the fresh horticultural products, but also for all quality agricultural products of Crete. This new organization is called CRETACERT.
Currently, CRETACERT has obtained a business plan and a trademark, which will be officially registered and launched within the next six months. In addition, it has started a round of contacts with public and private agencies for its acknowledgement to the widest possible public.
Among its immediate targets, is the enactment of a «Conference on Quality and Marketing of Agricultural Products».
The «2nd International Conference on the Quality & Marketing of Agricultural Products» will be held on 25, 26 & Sept. 27, 2008 in the conference centre of Creta Maris, in Hersonissos, Crete.
The goals of this 2nd conference are very high, because we are not simply trying to give new solutions to the problems we face to the marketing of the agricultural goods, but we are also asked to give impetus to the solutions suggested at the first conference. We shall invite again representatives of super market chains, export - import companies and retailers, consumer organizations, and major auction groups from Greece and abroad, in order: 
1. To outline the current situation both on local and international level
2. To identify the problems in the marketing, but also the prospects that are open for various agricultural products
3. To hear new ideas and proposals
4. To find new ways of marketing
The “2nd conference on the Quality and Marketing of Agricultural Products” will last three days. The sessions will start with the formal presentation of the official Trademark, that will carry only those products, which will meet the specifications of CRETACERT. The sessions will include presentations related to the following topics: 
 | Vegetables
|  | Fruits
|  | Olive products
|  | Vine products
|  | Livestock products
|  | Beekeeping
|  | Export trade
|  | Post harvest treatment
|  | Organic Products |
